
Our church is led by a group of elders. These men have been called to care for and shepherd the church through teaching and preaching God’s Word, prayer and oversight. Staff elders serve in a full-time capacity and have assigned roles and responsibilities. 

Staff Elders

Jason McClanahan

Jason McClanahan

Lead Pastor

jason@randolphstreet.org | (304) 342-3257 Ex. 1

Jason returned to Charleston in September 2007 to begin his ministry as lead pastor at Randolph Street.

Jason grew up near Charleston and graduated from Poca High School in 1992. He attended college at West Virginia State University to play baseball under Coach Cal Bailey. In May 1997, he received his Bachelor of Science degree in Social Work at WVSU.

During his sophomore year, Jason met his future wife, Ginger Fisher. She was instrumental in leading him to Christ through her life and love for the Savior. In June 1994, God radically changed Jason’s heart and he placed his faith in Christ. From that day, Jason began pursuing pastoral ministry. Upon completion of the undergraduate degree, he completed a three year Master of Divinity degree at Virginia Beach Theological Seminary. In 2008, he likewise completed the Doctor of Ministry in Expository Preaching from Master’s Seminary in Los Angeles.

Prior to serving at Randolph Street, Jason planted and pastored Providence Baptist Church in Columbus, Ohio for seven years. Jason and Ginger married in September 1995 and have three children (Ty, Olivia, and Julia). Jason’s main responsibilities as our lead pastor includes serving as our primary preaching/teaching pastor, leading our pastoral staff, elders and preaching team, and developing the overall vision and direction of our ministry.

Tim Valentine

Tim Valentine

Pastor of Care and Church Multiplication

tim@randolphstreet.org | (304) 342-3257 Ex. 2

Tim serves as Pastor of Care and Church Multiplication.

Tim and his wife, Becky, joined the RSBC staff in July 2011. They both grew up in the Parkersburg area, and Tim attended Marshall University and was a member of the football team. They have four children and eight grandchildren with two sons involved in planting churches in Pittsburgh, PA and Lexington, KY.

Tim and Becky have been involved in planting churches and training families for church planting for most of their more than forty years of ministry. It is with great joy that they serve with the RSBC family in preparing a new generation to spread the glorious news of the gospel locally, regionally, and globally.
Tim has three primary responsibilities: care (overseeing our shepherding ministries and deacons), church multiplication (mentoring our future church planters, networking with other like-minded churches in our region, overseeing our church planting efforts), and being a regular part of the preaching and teaching team.

Tim Sigman

Tim Sigman

Pastor of Discipleship and Student Ministry

timsigman@randolphstreet.org | (304) 546-9539

Tim graduated from West Virginia State University with a Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences and later earned a Master of Divinity in Christian Ministry from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. For over 15 years, he worked in the private sector as a claims adjuster and underwriter in the insurance industry. He now works in the public sector as an Insurance Policy & Rate Analyst Supervisor with the West Virginia Office of the Insurance Commissioner. Additionally, he served as the Senior Pastor of Buffalo Baptist Church in Buffalo, WV, for six years.

Tim is married to Stacey.

He serves as the Pastor of Discipleship and Student Ministry and is involved in Student Ministry, teaching the teen Training Hour class, and assisting in leading a Small Group. Books that have influenced his faith include All of Grace by C.H. Spurgeon, The Holiness of God by R.C. Sproul, and The Gospel According to God by John MacArthur.

Administrative Staff

Ginger McClanahan

Ginger McClanahan

Women’s Ministry Director

ginger@randolphstreet.org | (304) 342-3257 Ex. 3

Ginger graduated from Marshall University, receiving an Associate of Applied Science degree in Legal Assisting. She facilitates opportunities for women to receive teaching and training through Bible studies and fellowships, connects women to ministry opportunities, and supervises efforts to encourage women in their walk with Christ.

Ginger is married to Jason, and they are blessed with three children: Ty (Hollie), Olivia (Casey), and Julia, as well as one grandchild, Ava.

Authors such as Elisabeth Elliot and Jen Wilkin and the book The Discipline of Grace by Jerry Bridges have influenced her life and faith.

Amanda Fox

Amanda Fox

Financial Administrator


Amanda graduated from Elon University with a degree in Business Marketing and, thereafter, received her master’s degree in Education from the College of Charleston. She oversees the church’s finances, as well as those for Clean Slate Restoration.

Amanda is married to Scott, and they are blessed with four children: Braxton, Gage, Maddox, and Piper.

The author, Jen Wilkin, has influenced Amanda’s life and faith.

Lee Stonestreet

Lee Stonestreet

Administrative Assistant

lee@randolphstreet.org | (304) 342-3257 Ex. 4

Lee graduated from Baylor University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science and West Virginia University College of Law with her law degree. She serves as a contact for administrative needs, oversees the organization of volunteers, assists with church communications, and organizes the facility schedule.

Lee is married to Andrew, and they are blessed with two sons, Beckett & Ben.

Authors such as Elisabeth Elliot, Sally Clarkson, and David Platt have influenced Lee’s life and faith.

Kristen Fry

Kristen Fry

Administrative Assistant


Kristen assists with administrative staff duties for RSBC. She also serves as the Program Director of the West Virginia Mothers & Babies Support Program. Previously, she worked for twenty-five years as the Night-Shift Head Proofreader for the West Virginia Legislature. In addition to her professional roles, she has been actively involved in homeschooling, coaching, and community service.

She and her husband, Michael, are blessed with three children: Grace, Sadie (Noah), and Hope.

Kristen has been deeply influenced by the life of George Müller and the writings of Amy Carmichael, Corrie ten Boom, Sally Clarkson, and Mark Vroegop (Dark Clouds, Deep Mercy).

Erin Flanagan

Erin Flanagan

Hope For Appalachia, Executive Director

erin@hopeforappalachia.org | (681) 205-2017

Erin graduated from the University of Colorado Boulder with her Bachelor of Arts degree in Speech Language. She helps with the day to day needs of Hope For Appalachia, strengthens existing programs and creates new ones to meet the needs of men, women and children affected by addiction.

Erin is married to Kyle, and they are blessed with four children: Israel, Iva, Isaac, and Ingrid.

The book of Hosea has influenced Erin’s life and faith, a great reminder to her of our need for our Savior and how He will love us in spite of our sin. It has also helped teach her how to better serve and love those around her.

Lydia Luikart

Lydia Luikart

Nursery Coordinator


Lydia graduated from Carson-Newman University with a Bachelor of Arts in Middle Grades Education. She serves as one of the directors of the nursery ministry alongside Mikaela Speciale.

Lydia is married to Josh, and they are blessed with three boys: Gabe, Jackson, and Freddie.

Her life and faith have been influenced by author John Piper, along with many faithful women who have poured into her life.

Mikaela Speciale

Mikaela Speciale

Nursery Coordinator


Mikaela graduated from Marshall University with a bachelor’s degree in Public Relations and earned a master’s degree in Integrated Marketing Communications from West Virginia University. She serves as one of the Nursery Directors, overseeing the care of children during church services and ensuring a safe, welcoming, and faith-centered environment.

Mikaela is married to Sam, and they are blessed with two daughters. She finds inspiration in Habits of the Household: Practicing the Story of God in Everyday Family Rhythms, which has encouraged her to cultivate daily practices that center her life and family on Christ.