We would love for you to join us for an upcoming Sunday at Randolph Street! Our church is made up of people who love to worship God and serve others. If you visit Randolph Street, we hope you find our church a welcoming place where you can get to know us and experience the glory of Jesus Christ with us.
Our Sunday morning worship Gathering begins at 10:00am and is central to the life and ministry of our church. Through singing, the reading of God’s Word, the sacraments and preaching, we turn our hearts and minds weekly to the promises that God has given us through Jesus Christ. Our liturgy is intentionally designed to glorify God and build His people up in the most holy faith.
If you have any questions about our services, contact us at contactus@randolohonline.org or (304) 342-3257. We would love to have you join us!
Lord’s Day Liturgy